Our playground

  • We consider Italy as one of most interesting European Special Situation markets, given:
    • the unique and strong industrial and manufacturing heritage, relying on a backbone of small and medium enterprises with a high degree of dynamism and creativity
    • the persistence in the Euro Area of low growth, higher interest as well as the geopolitical challenges
    • the accumulation of non-performing loans on the books for years which have been approached mainly through a pure liquidation approach fueled by “jumbo deals” to accelerate the deleverage
  • One33 is perfectly positioned to lead a deep market change from a “gone-concern” to a “going concern” approach where there is:
    • the need for  be spoke solutions for UTP/stage 2 work out
    • a focus on “industrial management” and more sophisticated solutions” with the aim to back to bonis 
  • One33 is committed in financing Italian Assets Recovery Strategy as well as Italian Champions in the definition and implementation of new industrial plans that can benefit from this discontinuity

  • One33 senior team’s deep experience in the Special Situation area triggers the possibility of designing “be spoke” financial solutions for Italian assets